Matthew is an enthusiastic digital artist who has a background in video game design and electrical engineering. He is a keen gamer, coder and artist and excels in all fields of digital arts including; video game design, application design, website design and 3D modeling. He graduated with a bachelor of engineering science in digital arts at WITS university in 2021, has just completed his honors degree in digital arts and is starting his masters degree in digital arts in 2023. During the course of his studies Matthew worked as a process engineer in 2021 at ProProcess Engineering, but shortly after reconsidered his career focus and realigned himself on the path of game development, particularly in the field of virtual reality (VR). In 2022 he worked as a VR content developer for a start up company (uLink) where he constructed interactable digital environments for schools and businesses. Currently Matthew is working on a personal project that is a virtual reality spell casting simulator designed for the Oculus Quest series of headsets. Matthew strongly believes that through eager effort to contribute to team success, hard work, attention to detail, commitment and motivation, that one can grow and excel in all forms of Digital Arts, IT and engineering and hopes to show you that anyone can do the same.